Next Meeting:
We meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
If you would like to join the meeting e-mail Stacy Spaeth at
For more information about Stewardship at CGS and the Stewardship Committee.
Please contact the Stewardship Council at
CGS A Disciples Response Week 1
CGS A Disciples Response Week 2
CGS A Disciples Response Week 3
CGS A Disciples Response Week 4
CGS A Disciples Response Week 5
Documents in "A Disciples' Response" Presentations:
Lumen Gentium
Message for the World Day of Peace
Laborem Exerc
Laudato SI'
Christifideles Laici
Evangelii Nuntiandi
Economic Justice for All- USCCB
Salvifici Doloris
Catholic Catechism pdf
Catholic Catechim Search version