Altar Food Ministry The food brought during Mass is removed from the altar & put in a holding area (storage) for delivery to Holy Name & NAM.
Blood Drive Involves helping with the quarterly blood drives.
Casa Juan Diego/Casa Maria Casa Juan Diego is the Catholic Worker House and Casa Maria is the clinic that provides a safe refuge, as well as medical assistance to immigrant men, women & children - help needed to distribute food & clothing.
Homebound Visitation/Eucharistic Ministry for Shut-Ins Ministry takes Eucharist to the homebound.
To make arrangements for communion please call the Parish Office at (281)-376-6831.
Northwest Assistance Ministry Interfaith coalition provides humanitarian services in Northwest Harris County; volunteers needed to help with various programs offered in the community.
Main Phone Number 281.885.4555
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Ministry makes prayer blankets for people who need comfort & to be covered in prayer.
Shepherd's Garden Garden across from CGS where teams of garden ministers plant, weed, harvest & distribute food to our brothers & sisters at Holy Name, Casa Juan Diego & our community in need.
Social Services Ministry works with individuals & families in crisis involves good listening skills, communication with families & agencies & includes networking with other churches on behalf of the family in crisis. Community resource training provided. For more information, contact Deacon Lolo.
The Gathering Place Ministry serves families dealing with mild to moderate dementia & Alzheimer's. Monthly program seeks to help both caregiver & care partner with needed respite care - providing activities that include festive themes, music, games, simple chair exercises, guest performers & a light lunch.
Second Family Ministry provides support for the homebound who need assistance with shopping and running errands.