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One thing I ask of the Lord, one thing I seek: to dwell in the Lord’s house all the days of my life, to enjoy the sweetness of the Lord, to seek out his temple. (Psalms 27:4)
To set off on a Holy journey…this is the hope for each one on a pilgrimage. To suddenly hear the call and to search for the destinations in which to tap into that water that Jesus mentioned to the Samaritan, the water that comes to restore the purity and all of the regal dignity of being God’s children. We participate in a pilgrimage in order to recover the lost Beauty, to shed light on our existence, and adjust it, all according to the teachings of Jesus.
A pilgrimage is not simply a “trip”, but an itinerary towards religious destinations that are also important and significant. The journey covers a geographic distance, bringing us to travel our planet, admiring nature, the work of man, the signs that speak of his quest for God, and of the civilizations of many people. A pilgrimage is a spiritual experience, aimed therefore at letting us complete an interior journey, inviting us deeply, because the geography and history of holy places bring together the heart and soul of those who travel, enriching them spiritually and humanly.
A pilgrimage is, therefore, a metaphor for life: the fatigue of traveling, the relaxation of arriving, the curiosity of the exploration, the enthusiasm of departing, everything relates to the commitment and – why not – the sacrifice, but also to the desire for a stable place, a fullness of life and peace.
Our role as the Church, as a community in Christ, pushes us to spread these Christian proposals. All of this also occurs materially when deciding to put oneself on the path of God. We, along with the entire Church, are called to spread the “Good Word” of the Son of God. Every pilgrimage wants to be an itinerary of the Spirit. Every pilgrimage is an opportunity to live an experience, an internal journey that answers the search for meaning in all our hearts.
The first step of the pilgrimage experience is the decision to depart, a true inspiration of the heart, but also a vocation, a calling, or rather a "con-vocation," an invitation to become a part of the pilgrim humanity, which has always set off on the path towards the chosen holy lands. Along with the decision comes waiting and expectations" every pilgrim, who has decided to depart, cannot wait to set off on the road, to reach the destination, to contemplate, to listen, to physically and spiritually rest. In a certain sense, the items a pilgrim packs reveal the kind of experience that s/he wishes to have! The luggage of a pilgrim should contain the essentials, be sober, appropriate, and include the items necessary to wash and dress, but also those that help to learn and pray.